
Marcus is a proven leader and problem solver who is committed to finding solutions to the issues we face. To do that, he is committed to listening to our neighbors, tackling the practical problems facing our communities, standing with fellow Arkansans and making sure we are getting value back from the tax money we send to Washington.

Marcus’ vision for a stronger country includes:

(click on a tile to expand)

  • Support legislation to cap drug costs & allow expanded Medicare negotiation to lower costs
  • Support legislation like the Save America’s Rural Hospitals Act (H.R. 833, 118th Congress: 2023-24) to increase rural healthcare access, and ensure the solvency of Medicare-dependent rural hospitals.
  • Support legislation to expand broadband internet, in conjunction with expansions of quality telehealth options, to provide accessible, high-quality healthcare options for Americans in rural areas.
  • Introduce legislation ensuring abortion access to victims of rape and incest, in incidences of fatal-fetal anamolies, and to protect the health of the mother.
  • Expand, and strengthen the Child Tax Credit and protect the Earned Income Tax Credit as ways to offset the cost of childcare and rising inflation.
  • Support legislation to reduce the tax burden on middle class Americans, by closing tax loopholes and requiring corporations to pay their share.
  • Protect Social Security and Medicare by increasing FICA-taxable income to $400,000 per year – ensuring solvency for the next decade.
  • Champion legislation to ensure automatic enrollment in VA medical benefits
  • Expand the capacity of the VA & provide them the resources they need to fully serve Veterans
  • Sustain and expand Central Arkansas water infrastructure to support industry, households, and farms.
  • Pass and fully fund the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 (Farm Bill).
  • Support children, seniors, and households in need by ensuring SNAP benefits are available.
  • Support programs to ensure farmers have access to the latest production technology.